artificial intelligence

By  Jonah Comstock 03:39 pm January 12, 2016
There are many approaches to using digital technology to promote medication adherence, from tiny sensors embedded in pills to Bluetooth-connected pill boxes, to simple reminder apps. There’s something of a trade-off between hardware offerings, which provide real validation and accountability but can be expensive to deploy and scale, and software offerings, which are very easy to scale, but have a...
By  Aditi Pai 01:44 pm December 9, 2015
Some 43 percent of consumers said using artificial intelligence to create a personal medical advisor would be a good idea, according to Ericsson's annual Hot Consumer Trends Survey of  6,649 iOS and Android urban smartphone users in cities around the world. The company's annual survey asks consumers for their take on futuristic scenarios. For example, last year one of the survey categories was "...
By  Aditi Pai 05:57 am November 2, 2015
The human-computer combination will be a winning combination in digital health, according to Joi Ito, director for the MIT Lab, who spoke at the Partners HealthCare Connected Health Symposium in Boston this week. "I think there was an announcement recently that Watson is almost finished with med school," Ito said. "It’s sort of a joke, but sort of true. I can imagine Watson being able to ingest...
By  Aditi Pai 08:00 am October 22, 2014
Mountain View, California-based activity tracker maker Moov raised $3 million in a round led by Banyan Capital. The company's activity tracker contains sensors that can tell how a user moves, not just when they move, Moov CEO Meng Li told MobiHealthNews. For example, the device can be hooked around the user's ankle so that it tracks running form, or to a golf club to track a swing, or even to a...
By  Jonah Comstock 10:10 am September 8, 2014
Watson at Memorial Sloan-Kettering IBM's Watson, a cognitive computing system that has already been deployed in a number of healthcare use cases, is teaming up with Mayo Clinic to bring its computing power to bear on the  age-old problem of matching active clinical trials with eligible participants. "Using natural language processing and powerful data analytics capabilities, Watson will help...