Baby Boomers

Two people lovingly sitting together
By  Jessica Hagen 11:11 am October 7, 2022
The estimated 73 million individuals who make up the baby boomer generation are projected to reach age 65 and older by 2030. The overall aging of the U.S. population accompanies the need for increased home care technology for seniors. This concern was explored at a Parks Associates' Connected Health Summit 2022 session, Seniors and Caretakers: Living Independently. The event focused on gathering...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:43 pm June 27, 2016
According to a new survey conducted by Harris Poll and commissioned by Salesforce, 59 percent of all consumers, and 70 percent of millennials, would choose a primary care physician who offers a patient-facing app over one who doesn't.  The survey results included 2,025 US adults aged 18 and older, among whom 1,736 have health insurance and a primary care doctor. The survey showed that by and...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:22 pm March 2, 2016
Millennials and Silents (the generation born prior to 1942) are the least likely generations to use tech tools like wearable fitness trackers, according to a survey of 2,600 WebMD users, presented today at HIMSS16 in Las Vegas. But younger and older respondents gave very different reasons for why they don't use these tools. "Millennials were more likely to select cost as their reason for not...
By  Brian Dolan 10:23 am October 16, 2015
The more than 76 million baby boomers in the US are a ripe market for companies building digital health devices and services, but few such companies have successfully designed their offerings for the demographic. That's one of the preliminary conclusions of a recently published California HealthCare Foundation report called Baby Steps: Will Boomers Buy into Mobile Health?, written by Laurie Orlov...
By  Aditi Pai 10:15 am September 10, 2014
As a group, about 35 percent of baby boomers were interested in using their smartphone to learn about and better manage their own health, according to results from a survey conducted by academic researchers in late 2010. The survey, which consisted of responses from 469 consumers, 258 of which are baby boomers, only published its findings this month. Researchers from Saint Louis University, ...
By  Jonah Comstock 01:04 pm February 25, 2013
Triple Tree Associate Joe Long Minnesota investment banking firm Triple Tree has released a report about the rise of consumerism in the healthcare industry. The company says the industry is becoming less like a traditional healthcare system and more like a retail environment, with B2B2C, or business-to-business-to-consumer, business models becoming the dominant format. "Viewed through the lens...
By  Neil Versel 02:08 am October 16, 2012
As baby boomers age, many are taking greater control over their own healthcare than any generation before them, and mobile technology is be a big part of that movement. But today's elderly might not be interested in gadgets and apps. "Seniors aren't using apps for health," healthcare technology consultant and futurist Mary Cain, managing director of San Francisco-based HT3, said at last week's...
By  Brian Dolan 01:01 pm February 24, 2010
By Laurie Orlov, Aging In Place Technology Watch Apocalypse and opportunity -- the bet is that we're not going to age well. Our favorite gloom-and-doom source, CNBC, has offered up today's Doomsday Boomer Prediction. Those boomers are going to be a healthcare nightmare: "They visit the doctor more, they consume more services, and they aren’t afraid to use their $7 trillion in collective wealth...
By  Brian Dolan 06:31 am December 1, 2009
The increasing number of aging Baby Boomers, also known as the "Silver Tsunami" could produce a "short, sharp shock" for the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), according to Wireless Healthcare's Principal Analyst Peter Kruger, who shared his perspective at Informa's Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit in London this week. "In the face of such a perfect storm, it makes one wonder why...
By  Brian Dolan 12:53 pm November 4, 2009
Philips has inked a deal with the largest health insurer in the Netherlands, Achmea, for a pilot home healthcare project that could eventually become rolled out across Europe. Philips' goal is to help doctors monitor patients' health remotely but to also equip patients with respiratory diseases with products help them better manage their conditions at home. Philips estimates that the global...