Bill Gates talks mHealth; More mHealth news

By Brian Dolan
07:31 am

Bill GatesGates to discuss mHealth: Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has agreed to keynote the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health's second annual mHealth Summit taking place in Washington D.C. this November. Gates will discuss the mobile health opportunity in developing markets. He joins media mogul Ted Turner as a keynote speaker at this increasingly prestigious event. (MobiHealthNews is excited to be the official media sponsor of the mHealth Summit.) Press Release

Continua tells FCC, FDA to include CMS: Continua Health Alliance responds to the FCC - FDA meeting that took place in Washington D.C. last week: Continua executive director Chuck Parker called for the FCC and FDA to expand the inter-agency cooperation to include CMS (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Let's hope they do. Press Release

Diversinet posts strong Q2: Diversinet, a mobile health-focused company that focuses specifically on secure health applications, announced net income for its second quarter was $5.3 million, up from $1.1 million during the same period last year. Press Release

GlySens eyes human trials: California-based medical device company GlySens and the University of California-San Diego have developed an implantable wireless sensor that they want to begin piloting with humans. Looking for FDA approval. More

In case you missed it: Atul Gawande has a worthwhile piece in the New Yorker Magazine focused on hospice care. New Yorker
