
Healthcare providers performing surgery on a patient with lights shining down from the ceiling
By  Jessica Hagen 05:18 pm October 13, 2023
British medtech company Brainomix and Switzerland-based remote robotic surgical company Nanoflex Robotics announced the receipt of £400,000 ($420,418) and CHF 400,000 ($443,700), respectively, to codevelop an AI-assisted magnetic navigation system for stroke-related robotic surgical tools. Innovate UK, the innovation agency in the United Kingdom, and Innosuisse, Switzerland's Innovation Agency,...
Parkwalk, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund (BIVF) and Oxford University Innovation Fund
By  Anna Engberg 01:51 am December 23, 2021
The British medtech company Brainomix has announced that it has closed a series B funding round with a total investment of approximately £16 million. The previous investors Parkwalk, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund (BIVF) and Oxford University Innovation Fund (OUIF), who are participating again in this round, have been joined by Tencent Holdings. WHY IT MATTERS Brainomix recently took the ...