Chilmark Research: HIMSS wrap-up, Caretools iChart

By Brian Dolan
02:08 am

iChartJohn Moore from Chilmark Research has a worthwhile wrap-up of HIMSS that includes a section on his mHealth-related vendor meetings. One meeting write-up, in particular, caught my eye: Caretools.

Moore met with "Tom Giannulli, doctor, founder and developer of the Caretools iChart EMR for the iPhone" for a demo and update on the $139 EMR app that launched last June. Giannulli mentioned that iChart users can update the app with advanced features like e-prescribing for additional fees.

Moore concludes that while iChart probably won't meet the "meaningful use" requirement for Stimulus reimbursement, the relatively low cost of the EMR may be good enough and easy enough to meet all of a solo practitioner's requirements. 

Moore also learned that Caretools has not advertised iChart at all, but Gianulli's one man operation has sold more than 1,000 iChart apps in nine countries. If Apple's 70/30 split is to be believed, then Gianulli pulled in more than $97,000 from iChart since launching last summer. 

Check out the rest of Chilmark's HIMSS wrap-up here.
