Pando health, data security, NHS, DTAC
By  Tammy Lovell 02:07 pm July 12, 2021
UK-based app Pando has come under scrutiny for a security breach which saw NHS patients’ photos automatically uploaded onto users’ smartphones. The clinical communication tool, which has been approved under the NHS Clinical Communication Procurement Framework, is used to send messages, test results, X-Rays and photographs between care teams. It is reportedly used by more than 60,000 NHS staff...
By  Tammy Lovell 11:03 am February 24, 2021
NHSX has launched a new process to help give staff, patients and the public confidence that the digital health tools they use meet NHS standards. The digital technology assessment criteria (DTAC) is a rapid process that can be completed in days.  It will apply to all digital health technologies, from public facing health apps to systems used within hospitals such as electronic patient records....