genomic data

By  Dave Muoio 12:28 pm September 8, 2020
Health research platform maker Vibrent Health announced last week that it has received a $39 million infusion from the National Institutes of Health to continue serving as the hub of the public research organization's All of Us Research Program. Founded in 2009, Vibrent Health's technology handles large-scale data collection, storage, analysis and security for research organizations, and includes...
By  Laura Lovett 03:32 pm July 12, 2019
Deep in the belly of the University of Helsinki, large metallic cylinders line a basement lab. While the setting is clinical, scientists have added a playful touch with snow-themed name tags on each of the vats. Still, the mission of the lab is serious — inside “snow queen” and “snow castle” lie genetic samples that could potentially help decode genetic variants responsible for disease. Finland...
By  Dave Muoio 03:42 pm May 6, 2019
The NIH’s All of Us Research Program celebrated its one-year anniversary today with new updates on enrollment progress, previews of its upcoming cloud-based data platform for health researchers and the public beta launch of an online tool for viewing aggregated, de-identified information about the program’s enrollees. “I hoped [one year ago] that many would share this vision and help us achieve...
By  Dave Muoio 04:03 pm October 18, 2018
The NIH’s All of Us Research Program launched in May with a daunting task ahead of it — collecting demographic, health, behavior and genomic data from a 1 million person cohort comprised of demographics often underrepresented in biomedical research. Speaking this morning at the Connected Health Conference in Boston, Dr. Dara Richardson-Heron, All of Us’ chief engagement officer, said that the...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:28 pm January 14, 2016
The FTC’s PrivacyCon, an all day event that included presentations and discussions from a number of privacy researchers, one presentation focused on the data privacy risks associated with direct to consumer genomic data services. Many of these risks apply to any consumer health data service. Researchers Jan Charbonneau and Andelka Phillips, of the University of Tasmania and the University of...