Google Health Mobile on Android, iPhone soon?

By Brian Dolan
06:54 pm

AnvitaThe big mHealth news out of TEPR+ after Day 1 of mHealth programming: Google Health's integrated partner Anvita, formerly SafeMed, has developed a Mobile Viewer for Google Health that is built on Google's Android mobile platform. Roni Zeiger, project manager of Google Health invited Anvita Health's Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer Ahmed Ghouri to  demonstrate the new Google Health mobile app during a presentation today.

Currently, Anvita Health's Mobile Viewer for Google Health is only available for T-Mobile USA's G1 handset, since that is the only Android-powered mobile phone in the market today. Anvita said the application will be available on other handsets, including the iPhone, in the future. The Mobile Viewer allows users already signed up to Google Health to view their profile data from their G1 allowing for real-time and on-demand viewing of their medical records. The Mobile Viewer allows users to access profile information, including height, weight, age, current prescriptions, any existing health conditions, previous procedures, known allergies and more but does not allow users to edit that information from the phone.

"The new Mobile Viewer from Anvita is a great example of how companies can innovate using Google's open platforms," Google Health's Director of Product Management Sameer Samat said in a statement. "Anvita has created the first of many mobile health applications using Google Health."

Anvita is currently offering the application for free on its site, but the Mobile Viewer will soon be available in the Android Marketplace, too. Anvita is already a partner with Google Health--the company's analytics engine powers the real-time health feedback that alerts Google Health users to important data like potentially harmful drug interactions.

Check out Anvita's Mobile Viewer for Google Health on the Anvita site here.
