HIMSS 2018

By  MobiHealthNews 03:08 pm June 22, 2018
HIMSS announced that it is now accepting speaker proposals for the upcoming HIMSS19 Global Conference. “HIMSS seeks topics that focus on the good and not so good organizational experiences that highlight the similarities in global transformative healthcare practices,” HIMSS Vice President of Professional Development JoAnn Klinedinst wrote on the association’s website. Specifically, HIMSS is...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:42 pm March 8, 2018
Correction: An earlier version of this article had the survey sample size at 7,905. Accenture interviewed 7,905 consumers worldwide, but the data here is from just the US subset: 2,301 Americans. New survey data out this week from Accenture shows that healthcare consumers are using more wearables and apps, and are more bullish on virtual care, than ever before. But they also have high...
By  Laura Lovett 05:58 pm March 7, 2018
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pledged to share more data between federal departments and with the public, HHS Chief Technology Officer Bruce Greenstein said at HIMSS18 on Wednesday. The effort to make data more readily available began under the Obama administration. But now the department is working on the next steps, said Greenstein, moving from opening up data to taking...
By  Dave Muoio 05:37 pm March 7, 2018
A cadre of Canadian digital health startups were at the forefront of a special HIMSS session organized by the Canadian government’s department of foreign affairs, trade, and development.   Each of the six featured startups was a graduate of the Canadian Technology Accelerator for Health IT in Philadelphia, and tackled healthcare challenges ranging from medication adherence to inelegant data...
By  Laura Lovett 05:23 pm March 7, 2018
The Department of Veterans Affairs has joined the bandwagon of government agencies looking for outside innovators to help update its health technology systems.   In February, it became easier for private citizens to become involved when the department launched Lighthouse, an API that allows developers to create digital technology to build mobile and web apps that serve veterans.   With the latest...
By  Dave Muoio 05:19 pm March 7, 2018
Teams looking to AI and machine learning as a solution to their system’s problems should be reminded that the technologies are not a magic bullet, Leonard D’Avolio, cofounder of Cyft and an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital, said on Monday at HIMSS18.   In fact, he said, the success of these technologies within the industry will dependent on focused...
By  Dave Muoio 03:24 pm March 7, 2018
As virtual and augmented reality technologies continue to improve, researchers and entrepreneurs continue to investigate the role these tools may play in healthcare. In an educational session at HIMSS18 in Las Vegas Tuesday, presenters described the technologies’ current roadmap, highlighting persisting roadblocks and novel strategies incorporating other technologies. After describing the...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:47 pm March 7, 2018
Employee wellness is not a new idea, but new ideas from digital health companies like Castlight Health and Fitbit, as well as incumbents like UnitedHealthcare, are reimagining and reinvigorating the space. At a panel at the Personal Connected Health Alliance’s Innovation Leaders Summit at HIMSS18 (moderated by yours truly), Castlight Health President Derek Newell, Fitbit Health Solutions Chief...
By  Jonah Comstock 10:17 pm March 6, 2018
UnitedHealthcare has added a new wearable to its Motion employee wellness program. Starting in July, in addition to the Fitbit, Garmin, and Samsung devices, employees in the program will be able to use Apple Watches. "As part of UnitedHealthcare Motion program, we’ve expanded the portfolio," Paul Sterling, VP of emerging products at UnitedHealthcare, said during a panel discussion at HIMSS18 in...
By  Laura Lovett 04:20 pm March 6, 2018
Artificial intelligence is a hot topic right now—but whether or not it is going live up to what some are calling the new healthcare reform is still up for discussion. Mayo Clinic Chief Information officer Christopher Ross and Pricewaterhousecoopers Managing Director James Golden, tackled questions about the future of AI at HIMSS18. “In some ways [AI] could not be more hyped than it is. There is...