HIMSS TV features programming from major HIMSS events and many of the industry's thought leaders. See the latest coverage at HIMSS.tv.


Dr. Jonathan Chen at Stanford_Palm trees and skyscrapers in Orlando Photo by Gabriele Maltinti/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 14, 2024
"AI and Healthcare: Bridging the Gap Between Magic and Illusion" is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 8:45-9:15 a.m. ET in WF3 and 3:45-4:30 p.m. ET in W230A at HIMSS24 in Orlando. Learn more and register.
Dr. Eve Cunningham at Providence_Doctor looking at brain scan on tablet photo by katleho Seisa/Getty Images
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 13, 2024
Dr. Patrick Thomas at the UNMC College of Medicine_Doctor looking at brain scan on tablet photo by katleho Seisa/Getty Images
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 9, 2024
Tom Lawry at Second Century Tech_Palm trees and skyscrapers in Orlando Photo: Gabriele Maltinti/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 8, 2024
"Nurses Shaping an Innovative Healthcare Future with AI" is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 9:30-10 a.m. ET in Room W311A, and "AI's Role in Modern Healthcare: The Wins, the Woes, and What's Next" is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 2-2:45 p.m. ET in Hall F (WF3) at HIMSS24 in Orlando. Learn more and register.
Tom Borys and Abe Berman at OneCare Vermont ACO_Autumn Reflection in Scenic Vermont Photo by DenisTangneyJr/E+/Getty Images
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 7, 2024
Micky Tripathi at ONC_ Medical data animation by VectorFusionArt/Creatas Video+/Getty Images Plus
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 5, 2024
Dr. Howard Strasberg at Wolters Kluwer_Palm trees and skyscrapers in Orlando Photo by Gabriele Maltinti/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By  HIMSS TV 06:00 am February 2, 2024
Clinical Decision Support Standards for Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, from 1-2 p.m. ET in Room W311E at HIMSS24 in Orlando. Learn more and register.