Jay Ripton

A woman at work standing in front of a wall with papers and planning documents
By  Jay Ripton 11:01 am May 6, 2022
In 1848, the California Gold Rush began, and with it, came dreams of wealth and prosperity. In seven short years, more than 300,000 people made their way to “The Golden State” to stake their claims. But for the majority, the hope of striking it rich never materialized. The truth was that California simply had far more dirt than gold. In the end, the merchants and traders made all the money. Levi...
A doctor looking a tablet while a meeting occurs in the background
By  Jay Ripton 10:09 am October 8, 2021
Healthcare is undoubtedly one of the most complex and nuanced industries there is, especially in the U.S. So, it is no surprise that the relationship between physicians and pharma is complicated at best. It is a partnership that has been litigated, regulated and scrutinized beyond imagination. Yet, despite all this, it remains an essential part of the health delivery dynamic. Even with its...
Clinical data
By  Jay Ripton 11:22 am July 28, 2021
As the quantity of medical information physicians need to access explodes, and as patient visit time shrinks, more and more healthcare providers rely on mobile devices and apps to quickly and efficiently access the information they need. But, how efficient is this process, and, even more importantly, how accurate is the information? The rapid growth and sharing of medical information has the...
Woman on phone
By  Jay Ripton 02:59 pm July 6, 2021
Accelerated by the pandemic, the digital transformation of all things health-related has opened new frontiers for both clients and medical practitioners. This is especially true within the field of behavioral health, where the industry has long been typecast with the prototypical patient on a couch. Although an icon within the industry, clients can now receive therapy from the comfort of their...