Jonah Comstock

By  Jonah Comstock 12:50 pm November 5, 2012
Independence Blue Cross (IBC), a Pennsylvania insurance company announced the launch of a WebMD Digital Health Assistant to their member's portal Friday. The software will provide IBC members with an interactive wellness program, combining an online health risk assessment with a digital coach that will give daily tips, and also allow the user to set personal goals and track their progress in...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:28 am November 5, 2012
Source: KLAS No surprise here: A new report from KLAS Research suggests that health care providers are concerned about security in the increasingly BYOD mobile healthcare environment. Of the 105 CIOs, IT specialists, and physicians surveyed, 70 percent used mobile devices to access their electronic health records, including customers of nearly every major EHR (Epic, Cerner, GE, Allscripts,...
By  Jonah Comstock 12:35 pm November 2, 2012
According to a forthcoming survey from Pew Internet Project, 7 in 10 American adults are self-trackers of some kind. Sixty percent of Americans are tracking weight, diet, or exercise, said Associate Director of Digital Strategy Susannah Fox, who previewed some results from the survey at the Connected Health Symposium in Boston last week. One third track health indicators or symptoms, and one...
By  Jonah Comstock 10:07 am November 2, 2012
A new report from Juniper is the latest in a flurry of forecasts about the role that smart wearable devices, or wearables, are going to play in the mobile technology market over the next few years. Juniper says wearables will be a $1.5 billion market by 2014, up from just $800 million this year. Some of that drive is from “multifunction” devices like Google’s Project Glass and a similar product...