
By  Brian Dolan 07:05 am July 2, 2009
Mount Sinai School of Medicine's senior director for voice and data services, Andrew Pizzimenti isn't sure that the "Holy Grail" of mobile devices for health practitioners has been created yet. During a virtual interview at the Cisco Live event held in San Francisco this week, Pizzimenti told Computer World that the device might be a smartphone, an e-book reader or a netbook or maybe none of the...
By  Brian Dolan 10:55 am May 18, 2009
During the first day of the Wireless Life-Sciences Alliance meeting, called the Convergence Summit, Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs defined convergence as the overlapping of computer devices, consumer electronic devices and wireless technology, according to Tim Gee's Medical Connectivity blog. Jacobs pointed to the Amazon Kindle, as a prototype for the future: a device with built-in wireless (cellular...
By  Brian Dolan 08:45 pm May 13, 2009
"We took a run at this five years ago and it fizzled out pretty quickly," explained Rob Mesirow, Vice President of CTIA, the international association for the wireless industry. "Quite frankly, it just wasn't the time, the stars weren't aligned, wireless data networks weren't robust enough and medical data wasn't there." "Now, the next generation of doctors, who are more comfortable with health...