Mayo Clinic

By  Jonah Comstock 11:24 am April 3, 2018
In the quest to consumerize healthcare, online physician reviews are a popular attempt to return some agency and control to the healthcare consumer. In fact a 2015 survey showed that more than half of millennials consulted online reviews when choosing a physician. But are these reviews fair or reliable? A new study from the Mayo Clinic, published in the health system's own journal Mayo Clinic...
By  Laura Lovett 12:23 pm March 8, 2018
The Mayo Clinic has just released the results of a new study, which show an 80 percent increase in enrollment of clinical trials for breast cancer when using IBM’s Watson for Clinical Trial matching system.  The Watson system uses artificial intelligence to analyze unstructured information and pull out insights from the data.  “Watson is able to give us faster, better matching of patients to...
By  Laura Lovett 04:20 pm March 6, 2018
Artificial intelligence is a hot topic right now—but whether or not it is going live up to what some are calling the new healthcare reform is still up for discussion. Mayo Clinic Chief Information officer Christopher Ross and Pricewaterhousecoopers Managing Director James Golden, tackled questions about the future of AI at HIMSS18. “In some ways [AI] could not be more hyped than it is. There is...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:26 pm March 6, 2018
Artificial intelligence has huge potential to transform care, but the healthcare system needs to walk before it can run, according to a panel of speakers from IBM Watson, the Mayo Clinic, and the American Medical Association at an after hours dinner at HIMSS18 Monday. “I think this AI stuff is absolutely real, but at the same time we haven’t finished the first job, which is creating systems that...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:28 pm January 3, 2018
A study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association shows that in one patient population, use or non use of a patient portal had no statistically significant effect on 30-day readmissions or 30-day mortality. The retrospective analysis of more than 17,000 patients is interesting in that it's the first study of patient portals to look for effects on...
By  Dave Muoio 04:12 pm January 3, 2018
A newly announced collaboration between the Mayo Clinic and Corindus Vascular Robotics may pave the way for off-site coronary procedures. The partnership, backed by a recent grant awarded to the clinic, will take the form of a multi-phase preclinical investigation of the feasibility of telestenting — robotic percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures conducted remotely. PCI is a non-...
By  Laura Lovett 01:55 pm December 11, 2017
Emojis may mostly be used as playful add-ons to text messages, but they could be key to helping providers track patients' overall wellbeing.  Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that using emojis instead of the traditional emotional scales helped asses patients’ physical emotional and overall quality of life. The abstract, which was presented at the American Society of Hematology, also found...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:42 pm November 9, 2017
Rightway Healthcare, which provides patient-facing care navigation tools to employee populations, has raised $2 million in seed funding. The round was made up by individual investors. The company works with both self-insured and fully-insured employers to help employees understand and utilize the health benefits available to them, through what CEO and Cofounder Jordan Feldman describes as an “...
By  Dave Muoio 03:52 pm September 20, 2017
Basic health information and advice provided by the Mayo Clinic is now available on Amazon Alexa-enabled devices. Owners who have downloaded the Mayo Clinic First Aid skill (Amazon’s version of apps) need only voice their concerns to receive answers to dozens of everyday health issues or other self-care instructions. “Mayo Clinic produces trusted, evidence-based health guidance to empower people...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:00 pm July 19, 2017
Smartphone-connected ECG maker AliveCor is teaming up with the Mayo Clinic once again, this time to develop algorithms to screen for Long QT syndrome, a heart condition that can often cause sudden death, especially in children. The partnership also includes an additional, undisclosed investment in AliveCor from Mayo Clinic. Long QT syndrome is named for the interval between the Q Wave and the T...