Mental health apps

By  Neil Versel 04:27 am September 11, 2012
SOURCE: Death data are from the National Vital Statistics System operated by the National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. Age-adjusted rates for 1950–2009 were obtained from WISQARS ( A high-profile, public-private effort to prevent suicide is emphasizing the importance of mobile technology and social networks in identifying and helping people at risk of harming...
By  Neil Versel 05:23 am June 27, 2012
Jacob Kean Researchers from Indiana University Medical Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs will be looking at how to adapt the VA's extensive telemedicine network to assess and treat veterans with mild traumatic brain injuries. Mobile technologies likely will be a key part of the process. The VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Service has presented a five-year, $920,000 career...
By  Neil Versel 03:03 am June 21, 2012
How powerful is text messaging for reaching young people? "I think it might be able to save more lives than penicillin," according to Nancy Lublin CEO and "chief old person" at, an organization that helps teens effect social change. Lublin made that bold statement in a Feb. 28 presentation to TED University, a pre-conference session at TED 2012 in Long Beach, Calif. A video from...
By  Brian Dolan 11:30 am May 7, 2012
Clinical psychologist and senior researcher at Intel, Margaret Morris published a helpful paper this week that includes seven guidelines for motivating healthy behavior change with help from mobile devices and apps. Below is a quick redux of the seven tips, be sure to read the full report to better understand the suggestions: 1. Remind people of who they want to be. "To drive lifestyle change,...
By  Neil Versel 09:58 am March 28, 2012
A recent article in the Baltimore Sun about a series of mobile health studies underway at Johns Hopkins University referenced a person familiar to many a MobiHealthNews reader: Susannah Fox, the healthcare research guru at the Pew Internet & American Life Project. According to Fox, about 10 percent of U.S. adults who have cell phones – and nearly every adult in the country has one these days...
By  Neil Versel 03:49 am March 27, 2012
A recent decision by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to start covering preventive screening for depression and alcohol abuse is paving the way for wider use of a mobile app that helps primary care physicians find signs of mental illness that might otherwise be missed. As part of healthcare reform efforts, CMS said in October that it would pay for annual screenings for both...
By  Brian Dolan 12:47 pm September 15, 2010
Epic EMRs viewable by patient via iPhone app: Dean Clinic, a Wisconsin-based healthcare provider launched an iPhone application for its patients that enables them to view their own electronic medical record through the care provider's Epic EMR system. The app, called MyChart only works for users of Apple iPhones, iPads or iPod touches. “We see this as a valuable service to our patients,” says D.J...