Pfizer app

Pfizer app
By  Tammy Lovell 02:45 am June 24, 2019
Only around 50% of patients with long-term illnesses adhere to their treatment, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). To help combat this, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has teamed up with Finnish health tech startup Popit to provide support to people taking rheumatoid arthritis medication. Pfizer patients will be offered Popit’s adherence solution, which monitors pill-taking with a...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:49 pm September 14, 2016
Global pharmaceutical company Pfizer has launched a new consumer-facing app aimed at helping to motivate adults with depression. The app, called Moodivator, will be available for free on the iOS app store.  “As awareness of the magnitude and severity of depression continues to mount, technology like the Moodivator app represents a new and exciting frontier for helping people with depression," Dr...