Person in a clinical setting lying in bed with their hand raised while wearing a virtual reality headset
By  Jessica Hagen 05:28 pm October 19, 2023
Boston-based virtual reality platform XRHealth announced it distributed hundreds of virtual reality headsets across 30 hospitals, assisted living and mental health centers, and nursing homes in Israel to assist patients suffering from stress, PTSD and anxiety.  XRHealth's platform allows patients to receive recommended therapies for mental and physical conditions via a virtual reality headset....
Person sitting in a park
By  Jessica Hagen 11:20 am March 27, 2023
Israeli-based digital health technology company GrayMatters Health, which develops self-neuromodulation therapies for mental disorders, received FDA 510(k) clearance for its PTSD-focused neuromodulation therapy dubbed Prism.   The company uses a proprietary model to create a unique patient amygdala-derived biomarker, using synchronized data from several sessions of electroencephalograms (EEGs)...
Images of the NightWare app on Apple Watches
By  Dave Muoio 02:47 pm November 9, 2020
The FDA granted Minneapolis-based NightWare a De Novo clearance on Friday for its Apple Watch and iPhone app designed to improve the sleep quality of those experiencing nightmare disorder and nightmares related to PTSD. The digital therapeutic – which received breakthrough designation from the agency last year – uses the Watch's sensors to track the heart rate and movement of users as they sleep...
By  Dave Muoio 03:48 pm May 21, 2019
Minneapolis-based NightWare — maker of a smartwatch therapeutic for people with nightmare disorder and PTSD-driven nightmares — has received breakthrough therapy designation for its in-development product. In addition, the company is launching two new placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials for its digital intervention, one of which is being conducted within Department of Veterans Affairs...
By  Laura Lovett 03:30 pm April 23, 2019
Voice-analyzing technology combined with artificial intelligence could offer a new way to detect post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a study published recently in the journal of Depression and Anxiety. The research team found that the technology was able to use 18 speech features to identify subjects with the condition.  Researchers said that this type of technology has the potential to...
By  Laura Lovett 04:15 pm December 6, 2017
Potentia Lab, a behavior changing technology platform, today announced that it has won a contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs' Center for Innovation to develop its e-learning platform for veterans living with PTSD. The company's approach to treating PTSD uses positive psychology.  Dustin Milner, cofounder of Potentia, told MobiHealthNews the PTSD treatment at the VA is "wonderful"...
By  Dave Muoio 02:57 pm December 5, 2017
When mobile users perform a Google search for PTSD or a related query on their mobile device, the search engine will now automatically offer them resources and a validated screening questionnaire for the condition.  The effort — a partnership between Google, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Center for PTSD — looks to increase the...
By  Dave Muoio 11:19 am October 12, 2017
Service members unwilling to open up about their PTSD in person may be more likely to speak with computer-generated virtual interviewers, newly published research suggests. Due to their anonymity and rapport-building capabilities, these virtual interviewers could be uniquely positioned to break through soldiers’ fears of discrimination and career-affecting stigma and improve mental health care,...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:04 pm August 7, 2017
The University of North Carolina is tapping Google's Verily Life Sciences and MindStrong (the company for which Dr. Thomas Insell recently left Verily) for an ambitious 19-site study of post-traumatic stress disorder. The study, called the Aurora Study, is funded by a $21 million NIH grant and aims to enroll 5,000 people. Aurora was launched last September and has sought private funding to...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:53 am December 10, 2015
Mobile therapy startup Talkspace is partnering with two universities to validate its text- and video-based mental health services. Talkspace has launched a 500-person study of anxiety, stress, and depression at Columbia University and is in talks to launch a study with Duke of post-traumatic stress disorder. "We’re looking at the efficiency and the efficacy of our modality, which is primarily...