rheumatoid arthritis

Pfizer app
By  Tammy Lovell 02:45 am June 24, 2019
Only around 50% of patients with long-term illnesses adhere to their treatment, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). To help combat this, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has teamed up with Finnish health tech startup Popit to provide support to people taking rheumatoid arthritis medication. Pfizer patients will be offered Popit’s adherence solution, which monitors pill-taking with a...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:08 pm May 8, 2017
Japanese health app maker Welby announced three new apps last month developed in partnership with pharma companies. Welby will add to its lineup three apps available only in Japan: an app for irritable bowel disease patients with Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen; an app for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients with Japanese pharma company Nippon Shinyaku, and an app for...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:11 pm March 20, 2017
Global pharmaceutical company UCB has launched Wellness4U, a health and wellness platform for people living with immunologic disorders which includes, as one aspect, an activity tracker pilot program. "Our medicines treat thousands of people around the world and we are engaging with patients, their families and healthcare professionals to address their unmet needs," Todd Edwards, vice president...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:20 pm July 18, 2016
GlaxoSmithKline has launched the ResearchKit app that it told Buzzfeed it was working on more than a year ago, making it the first pharma company to get a ResearchKit study off the ground. The study is called PARADE, which the company says stands for Patient Rheumatoid Arthritis Data in the Real World. "We are the first in our industry to use Apple’s ResearchKit as part of our research, this time...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:19 pm July 6, 2016
Correction: A previous version of this article contained inaccuracies based on an out-of-date version of the research proposal.  Pfizer is working with Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston to test an app for rheumatoid arthritis in a small clinical trial, according to a ClinicalTrials.gov posting. One hundred and ninety patients will be enrolled in the trial, which is set to conclude in...
By  Brian Dolan 05:22 am March 20, 2009
An article in Health Populi reported that 1 in 4 people with chronic conditions are delaying care, according to a survey conducted by the National Council on Aging. The survey found that the percentage of Baby Boomer women delaying care was much higher at 39 percent and Latinos were even higher at 43 percent. The survey polled 1,000 people 44-years-old and up with chronic conditions. Two-thirds...
By  Brian Dolan 01:35 pm February 6, 2009
At the TEPR conference in Palm Springs this week, Arlene Harris, Chairwoman and co-founder of Greatcall, the parent company of the senior-focused Jitterbug mobile phone service announced her company's plans to offer a number of mHealth related applications and services. Harris said Jitterbug plans to do offer the services over the same types of phones that her company has been offering to the 55...