Shorts: Cisco, UnitedHealth; MyGlucoseHealth

By Brian Dolan
11:18 am

Cisco, UnitedHealth ramp up remote doctor visits: Insurance company UnitedHealth said it will use Cisco's HealthPresence in a nationwide program to enable doctors to treat patients remotely. The companies aim to create a nationwide network to enable video medical imaging, audio communication and health record information exchange between remote locations like retail stores, office settings and places of care. More

New Clinic-based MyGlucoseHealth meter uploads via Bluetooth: Entra Health Systems unveiled its MyGlucoHealth Clinical Point-of-Care System, which is a clinic-based diabetic testing for in-patient care environments. The offering includes a cloud-based interface called Clinical Point-of-Care that works with the MyGlucoHealth meter to upload blood glucose tests and data through Bluetooth or USB to tablet computer, PC or compatible PDA device. More

mHealth semantics/confusion alert: Houston-based healthcare organizations UniCare, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System and Memorial Hermann Health Network Providers have teamed up to offer a "suite of cutting edge PPO products" called MHealth Insured. I think the M is for Memorial. More
