
By  Tammy Lovell 11:03 am February 24, 2021
NHSX has launched a new process to help give staff, patients and the public confidence that the digital health tools they use meet NHS standards. The digital technology assessment criteria (DTAC) is a rapid process that can be completed in days.  It will apply to all digital health technologies, from public facing health apps to systems used within hospitals such as electronic patient records....
By  Brian Dolan 04:36 am March 23, 2010
Open standards and interoperability are key to mobile health offerings scaling in developing markets, Ericsson's head of sustainability and corporate responsibility Elaine Weidman told the Financial Times in a recent interview. “Vertical solutions cannot be scaled because vertical solutions look at one business model and don’t look at consumer convenience and flexibility,” US-based C-SAM's CEO...
By  Brian Dolan 11:34 am December 17, 2009
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which develops technical specs and evangelizes Bluetooth technology, announced today the formal launch of Bluetooth Low Energy, a part of the Bluetooth 4.0 specification. Bluetooth Low Energy has already garnered the support of the Continua Health Alliance, a consortium of more than 220 companies working on interoperability for personal medical devices and...