Tom Sullivan

By  Tom Sullivan 12:49 pm September 19, 2018
And there’s already one in the JASON Report from 2014 that was eclipsed by the industry’s excitement about open APIs.
By  Tom Sullivan 10:09 am September 14, 2018
The Livongo founder said that digital health makes people smarter, helps navigate healthcare and eases payments is where innovation will come from.
By  Tom Sullivan 09:28 am September 13, 2018
Pamela Dixon of SSi-Search on the emerging CDO role and how it differs from traditional CIOs, CTOs and other executive positions.
doctor with patient looking at tablet health record
By  Tom Sullivan 09:50 am September 5, 2018
Healthcare is at an exciting juncture right now. With analytics, cloud, mobile tools, open APIs, apps, and so much patient data being generated and opened to developers, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about how hospitals can use technology to fix our broken system.   That's exactly why we are focusing on innovation throughout September. We will be posting analysis, advice and...
AHRQ Director Gopal Khanna speaking at Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference at the White House on Tuesday.
By  Tom Sullivan 11:03 am August 14, 2018
WASHINGTON, DC — The Agency for Health Research and Quality and the Social Security Administration here on Monday announced plans for kicking off challenges to identify technologies that solve specific problems. SSA Executive Director of Health IT Jude Soundararajan said here at the White House Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference that in September SSA will launch a GitHub site with its use case...
Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce representatives speaking at the White House in Washington, D.C.
By  Tom Sullivan 03:36 pm August 13, 2018
WASHINGTON, DC – A broad coalition of technology giants took the stage in an unscheduled session at the Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference here in the White House.  Specifically, Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce came together to pledge to remove interoperability barriers.  Dean Garfield, CEO of the Information Technology Industry Council, lead the session and described the...