Wireless Life-Sciences Alliance

By  Jonah Comstock 11:11 am December 4, 2013
WellDoc's technology has previously been integrated with a hospital's EHR during a pilot. Eight healthcare and technology industry groups have sent a letter to the Health IT Policy Committee (HITPC), in the Department of Health and Human Services, asking that Meaningful Use Stage 3 guidelines include a requirement that electronic health records make use of patient generated data from remote...
By  Neil Versel 10:56 am November 22, 2011
With mobile healthcare growing as rapidly as it has, it was only a matter of time before the largest health IT trade group refined its efforts in this segment. That time is now. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is in the process of launching mHIMSS, its mobile initiative. mHIMSS began taking individual registrations among current HIMSS members on Nov. 2 and will...
By  Neil Versel 02:29 am August 18, 2011
As MobiHealthNews reported last week, the University of Southern California Center for Body Computing wants to become the "epicenter of wireless health." That's a lofty goal, considering the other, similar organizations right there in Southern California, including the UCLA Wireless Health Institute right there in Los Angeles, and, down toward San Diego, the West Wireless Health Institute, the...
By  Brian Dolan 08:40 am July 18, 2011
A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that pocket mobile echocardiography (PME) devices like GE's Vscan provide “accurate assessments” of ejection fraction, and some cardiac structures in many patients, according to a report in CMIO. The study, funded by The National Institutes of Health, came about due to the recent release of Vscan, a cellphone-sized PME device from...
By  Brian Dolan 03:08 am May 26, 2011
Earlier this month Rob McCray the President and CEO of the Wireless Life-Sciences Alliance (WLSA) wrote in an editorial piece for MobiHealthNews: "If a device or service can be connected, it should be (under penalty of malpractice, obsolescence and/or customer dissatisfaction). How else will you be able to answer questions about how your product works in the field or why someone should buy it?...
By  MHN Staff 07:17 am May 9, 2011
WLSA Co-Founder, President, CEO Robert McCray By Robert B. McCray, Co-Founder, President and CEO of the Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance (WLSA) The Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance convenes its 6th annual WLSA Convergence Summit in San Diego this week. In 2005 WLSA was the first organization to focus exclusively on the convergence of communications technology and healthcare, based on the founders...
By  Brian Dolan 02:37 am April 7, 2011
The former chairman and CEO of United Health Group Dr. Bill McGuire recently discussed the opportunity for wireless health (or technology enabled healthcare or whatever you want to call it), wasteful spending on EMRs, the need for interactivity among healthcare technology applications, opera, education and much much more. Dr. McGuire is the Vice Chairman of TripleTree Holding Company and is...
By  Neil Versel 09:24 am March 8, 2011
WLSA CEO Rob McCray The Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance has hired industry community builder Paul Sonnier for the newly created role of vice president for partner development. In this role, Sonnier will help grow the organization’s membership and seek additional networking and business opportunities for existing members of the San Diego-based organization. Sonnier has been successful in bringing...
By  Brian Dolan 07:01 pm November 3, 2010
The San Diego-based Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF) announced late last month that the winners of its 2010 Innovation Initiative grant competition of more than $1.2 million were Social Interest Solutions (SIS) and the San Diego Text4Baby Coalition. Both groups worked to improve access to health and social services for San Diego's medically underserved population. AHF granted SIS $800,000 to...
By  Brian Dolan 04:05 pm May 12, 2010
"Healthy behavior. Everyone. Everyday. Everyway." That's the ambitious mantra that the Center for Connected Health's spinout, HopSkipConnect has adopted as its company's mandate, according to CEO Rick Lee during a presentation here at the Wireless Life-Sciences Alliance event in La Jolla, California. While the startup is still in a stealth mode of sorts, Lee sketched out some of the company's...