
By  Brian Dolan 10:45 am February 16, 2009
Alcatel-Lucent announced a new program for vendor partners looking to make next-generation wireless devices with it, ng Connect. The initial phase of ng Connect will focus on five key areas: consumer media and entertainment, enterprise collaboration and e-health, automotive connectivity, digital signage, and computing experience. ng Connect aims to establish a "rich and diverse ecosystem" of...
By  Brian Dolan 05:50 am February 16, 2009
"Mobile health by definition will become a necessary component of all healthcare," Microsoft's Director of Development for Consumer Health Solutions Oren Rosenbloom said last week at Carnegie Mellon's CyLab Mobility Research Center (MRC) in Silicon Valley. "Technology has created the expectation that you can take your office with you where ever you go and you can communicate with anyone anywhere...
By  Brian Dolan 09:34 am February 13, 2009
Maybe it's because of the new billing codes for cardiac telemetry devices, but the newscycle is brimming with announcements from wireless implantable cardiac monitoring devices this week. We just wrote about Medtronic's Reveal XT, now the FDA announced approval for Transoma Medical's Sleuth AT, which is also an implantable wireless cardiac monitor that communicates with a personal device the...
By  Brian Dolan 04:45 am February 13, 2009
Medtronic's Reveal XT subcutaneous cardiac monitor is now commercially available in the U.S. The company introduced Reveal XT in Europe in July of 2007. The device helps physicians diagnose heart arrhythmias by monitoring the remotely and also captures an electrocardiogram (ECG) during asymptomatic episodes to better diagnose difficult cases. The Reveal XT communicates wirelessly with a pager-...
By  Brian Dolan 04:29 am February 11, 2009
AllOne Mobile is perhaps the biggest partner Microsoft HealthVault has in mHealth. The Wilkes-Barre, PA-based company has close ties to security solutions provider Diversinet, in which it is a significant investor. AllOne Mobile's HealthVault plaform, steeped in security, has become an attractive mobile PHR solution for a number of Blue Crosses as well as the U.S. Army. mobihealthnews had a...
By  Brian Dolan 11:18 am February 9, 2009
Here's a quick round-up of mHealth news from other media sources... > This Houston Chronicle editorial urges lawmakers to include mHealth funding in the stimulus package: "Imagine, for example, that your mobile phone concealed a pill dispenser programmed by your physician's prescription and it reminded you to take your medicines at the right time (and nagged you when you didn't.)" Article...
By  Brian Dolan 09:58 am February 9, 2009
Cellular Specialties, Inc.'s (CSI) President of Custom Solutions Kelley Carr found the mHealth Revolution program at TEPR "fascinating", especially since it means hospitals will need companies like CSI all the more. Distributed antenna systems like the one CSI integrates into hospitals will make it possible for hospitals to offer cell phone applications to their doctors by guaranteeing those...
By  Brian Dolan 08:49 am February 9, 2009
A recent reader comment about SMS security and reliability issues, dovetails nicely with the presentation that Barbara Rapchak, CEO of Leap of Faith Technologies gave last week at the TEPR conference in Palm Springs. Her company conducted a medicine compliance pilot study that sent text messages reminding users to take their medication on-time--but the texts were not sent over a wireless carrier'...
By  Brian Dolan 11:07 am February 6, 2009
During the final presentations at an mHealth Workshop at TEPR this week, Barry Greene, President & CEO, & Med Practice Informatics outlined the return on investment for deploying a simple text message-based communications tool in a hypothetical one doctor practice. Greene showed significant costs saving and revenue boosting opportunities can be leveraged by using text messages...
By  Brian Dolan 10:48 am February 6, 2009
As of Tuesday Google Health was finally viewable from the mobile phone--now the company is really getting its mobile act together: The Continua Health Alliance, an industry group promoting compatibility between medical devices and online health systems, has teamed up with IBM to develop a set of interface tools for Google Health that will allow wirelessly-enabled medical devices like glucose...