Tom Sullivan

Blockchain illustration
By  Tom Sullivan 03:26 pm December 26, 2018
By  Tom Sullivan 03:51 pm December 6, 2018
With so much innovation happening in healthcare today, and hospitals creating innovation or transformation labs, some are even conducting Shark Tank-style initiatives to glean new ideas from the very people who will ultimately use the technology. Count NewYork-Presbyterian and Stony Brook Medicine among those. It starts, as so many innovations do, with ideation and design. Stony Brook Medicine...
Blockchain illustration.
By  Tom Sullivan 04:35 pm December 3, 2018
HIMSS Analytics found health facilities more prepared for the distributed ledger tech than many might think, but that doesn’t mean they’re making forward progress just yet.
By  Tom Sullivan 01:18 pm November 14, 2018
Hospital IT executives in Europe share many of the same priorities and face many similar challenges as CIOs in other regions of the globe, including the United States, according to the HIMSS Analytics Annual European eHealth Survey 2018 released on Wednesday. Among them: empowering patients, sharing health information, protecting sensitive data and managing the growing need for a deeper talent...
AI voice assistant.
By  Tom Sullivan 09:31 am October 18, 2018
BOSTON — Voice technology is growing out of its first wave of reactive information services and becoming more proactive in ways that can help clinicians and consumers more effectively manage their health. After the first takeaway that 2018 is the year of voice tech pilots, that’s another impression from Monday’s Voice.Health Summit, hosted by Boston Children's, here at the Connected Health...
By  Tom Sullivan 12:09 pm October 1, 2018
While many readers are optimistic that healthcare will make progress on consumerism in one to three years, others said it will take between five and seven to actually happen.
By  Tom Sullivan 08:37 am September 28, 2018
APIs are a great start, but so much more goes into building an app and winning customers.
By  Tom Sullivan 10:16 am September 26, 2018
Open source? Proprietary? Both? Readers reveal which innovation tactics they take.
By  Tom Sullivan 12:54 pm September 19, 2018
HIMSS Chief Technology and Innovation Officer Steve Wretling says developers need to build the experience healthcare hasn’t had yet.